In different process industries, a lot of variables have to be measured accurately and precisely. The second most measured, according to studies, is pressure. However, it’s a curious thing why a lot of users of pressure gauges are not equipped with the appropriate knowledge and understanding on how to choose the best unit that will be suitable to one’s needs and requirements.

Most consumers would probably opt for the least expensive material that can be found in the market. Their contention is supported by the fact that you need not pay for an expensive and higher grade material when a lower-priced unit can also do the job as effectively and as efficiently. While this may sound logical, one’s expectation that a lower-priced unit is the best choice rarely comes true. Lower grade materials may save you a hundred or even thousands of dollars but it is a common fact that they also don’t deliver much of their promises. Users would, most often, find themselves having to replace the units when they start to fail. And, sadly, that comes just as soon as a few months after you’ve purchased the product.

When it comes to businesses and industrial plants, components that fail or wear prematurely will ultimately affect the bottom line of the company. Bearings, valves, and pressure gauges are just few of the components that are proven to be subjected to replacement several times in a year, that is, unless you use the purchase the right products that remain durable and reliable for a long time.

In the case of pressure gauges, stainless steel gauges will prevent constant gauge failures from happening. More frequently, those are not made of stainless steel are the ones used in wash down applications. As a result, they become prone to leaks and rust through frequent use until they break down and fail. After which, they will be replaced again with the same non stainless steel gauges because they say it’s cheaper and “that’s the way they have always done it”.

Admittedly, stainless steel gauges are more expensive and would cost by as much as 50% than the ordinary ones that are found in the market. However, when you consider the number of times that you need to replace non-stainless ones and add to that the cost of labor you need to pay for a technician to replace the gauge, the initial cost of purchase of the stainless steel parts will allow you to save more on the recurring costs. Moreover, you need not suffer from constant downtimes and shut down operations which result from failed and damaged components.

Stainless steel materials have, for the longest time, spelled durability and best quality. The initial cost may be high but the long term benefits are all worth your money and investment. You need not worry about recurring costs of replacement and repairs, as well as the cost of labor that you need to pay for technicians and repairmen every time they have to visit and replace all those broken and damaged components.